茶の湯英会話【客の心得】Knowledge for the Guests

Knowledge for the Guests 

①茶室に入る Entering the tea room

扇子を前に置く place your sensu(folding fan) in front of you

ふすまを開ける open the fusuma(sliding door)

両手を畳につく place your hands on the tatami(mat)

look into the tearoom

扇子を前にすすめる move the sensu forward

茶室ににじって入る edge,while seated,into the tearoom

②茶室での拝見 Viewing Utensils in tearoom

右手で扇子を取る take the sensu with your right hand

右足から立つ stand from your right foot

床前に進んで座る walk to the tokonoma(alcove),and sit down

扇子を前に置く place the sensu in front of you

真のおじぎをする make a formal bow

掛物を拝見し、花、花入を拝見する view the scroll,and then the flowers and the flower container

もう一度、真のおじぎをする again,make a formal bow

左足から立つ stand from your left foot

通い畳を通り、炉畳を越えて道具畳まで歩く crossing the kayoi-datami and then the ro-datami,walk to the dogu-datami

cross the tatami edging with your right(left) foot

be careful not to step on the tatami edging

釜の正面に座る sit in front of the kama(kettle)

③お菓子をいただく Taking the sweet

the host asks you to take the sweet
“Please take the sweet.”

受け礼をする respond to the host’s request and make bow

「お菓子を頂戴いたします」 “I will partake of the sweet.”

make a bow to the next guest
“Excuse me for going before you.”

  • 菓子鉢の場合

take the kashibachi(bowl for sweets) with both your hands

菓子鉢を少し上げて感謝する raise the kashubachi slightly to express thanks

菓子鉢をまた下におろす put the kashibachi back down

place your kaishi(packet of paper) in front of you
place the folded edge towards you

右手で箸を取る take the hashi(chopsticks) with your right hand

左手で扱って箸を持ちかえる rehold the hashi using your left hand

左手を菓子鉢に添える steady the kashibachi with your left hand

take one of the sweets woth the heshi
place it on the kashi

もう一度、箸を持ちかえる rehold the hashi again

箸の先を懐紙の隅で拭く wipe the tip of the hashi with a corner of the kaishi

菓子鉢の上に箸を戻す put the hashi back to the kashibachi

菓子鉢を次客へ送る pass the kashibachi to the next guest

  • 銘々皿の場合

お菓子を黒文字で取る take the sweet with the kuromoji(sweet pick made of spicewood)

お菓子を懐紙の上に置く place it on the kaishi

懐紙を両手で取り上げる pick up the kaishi with both your hands

黒文字でお菓子を食べる eat the sweet using the kuromoji

  • 干菓子器の場合

まず向こうの干菓子を右手で取る with your right hand, first take the far dry sweet

干菓子を懐紙の上に置く place it on the kaishi

次に手前の干菓子を取る next, take the near dry sweet

④薄茶を飲む(次客の例)Drinking usucha(the case of the second guest)

亭主が茶を出す the host puts out the tea

右足から立つ stand from your right foot

縁を右足で越す cross the tatami edging with the right foot

座って、茶碗を取る sit down, and take the chawan(teabowl)

左足から立つ stand from your left foot

まわって、左足で縁を越す turn, and cross the tatami edging with your left foot

自席に戻って座る return to the your seat and sit down

place the chawan between you and the main guest inside the tatami edging

bow and say “I will join you”

次客との間に茶碗を置く place the chawan between you and the next guest

「お先に頂戴いたします」と挨拶する bow and say 2Excuse me for going before you”

膝前正面縁内に茶碗を置く place the chawan in front of you inside the tatami edging

亭主に「お点前頂戴いたします」と挨拶する bow and say “Thank you for the tea” to the host

右手で茶碗を取る take the chawan with your right hand

左手の平に茶碗をのせる place the chawan on your left palm

右手に茶碗を添える steady the chawan with your right hand

頭を軽くさげて感謝をする bow your head slightly to express thanks

茶碗を時計回りに二回まわし、正面を避ける turn the chawan clockwise twice in order to avoid its front

吸いきりをする drink the tea to the last sip

飲み口を右の親指と人さし指で拭く wipe the place where you drank from with your right thumb and index finger

指先を懐紙で拭く wipe your fingers on your kaishi

茶碗を逆に回して正面をただす turn the chawan back so that the front faces you

茶碗を畳縁外正面に置く place the chawan in front of yuo outside the tatami edging

⑤茶碗を拝見する Viewing the chawan

両手を畳につく place your palms on the tatami

茶碗を拝見する take a closer view of the chawan

両手で持ち上げる pick it up with both your hands

両肘を膝の上につく rest your elbows on your knees

⑥茶碗を返す(半東がいる場合)Returning the chawan(when there is a host’s assistant)

正面を半東にただす turn the front toward the host’s assistant

半東が茶碗を取りにくる the host’s assistant comes to take the chawan

お互いにおじぎをする you both bow
